2250111 Pinch-R-Release: Spring action clip opens quickly and easily with finger pressure. The deeper the line is set back in the pads, the greater the tension. Tension settings from 2 to 12 lbs.
2250009 Universal Line Release
2250105 Universal Stacker Release: Two adjustment points allow tension settings from 2 to 22 lbs. Perfect for slow trolling with live baits or going after light-hitting walleyes. Offers easy one-hand tension release for use on any test line in salt or freshwater.
2250106 Offshore Line Release
2250109 Offshore Saltwater Line Release: Corrosion-resistant, high-tension spring is designed for heavier saltwater lines. Troll at high speeds in deep water with its heavy-duty release. Anti-fouling pins prevent line from sagging behind the gripper pads.
Stacker Releases: All the characteristics of the standard releases, with an extra stacker clip to allow fishing at multiple depths off a single weight.